Task Force Members
Task Force Members

Some of the members of the CERN against COVID-19 task force during one of their regular online meetings.
The CERN Directorate has established the CERN against COVID-19 group to channel ideas and initiatives from the CERN community that may support the collective global fight against COVID-19. The objective of CERN against COVID-19 is to ensure an effective and well-coordinated response, drawing on CERN’s many competencies so as to maximise our impact.
CERN against COVID-19 is coordinated by Beniamino Di Girolamo (CERN, ATS-DO). Members are Giovanni Anelli (CERN, IPT-KT), Gianluigi Arduini (CERN, BE-ABP), Kirsten Baxter (DG-LS), Ian Bird (CERN, IT-SC), Themis Bowcock (University of Liverpool, LHCb), David Challoin (SMB-SC), Paolo Chiggiato (CERN, TE-VSC), Manuela Cirilli (IPT-KT), Alberto Di Meglio (CERN, IT-DI), Friedemann Eder (IR-REL), Cédric Garino (CERN, SMB-SC), James Gillies (CERN, IR-SPE), Massimo Giovannozzi (BE-ABP), Beate Heinemann (DESY, ATLAS), André Henriques (CERN, HSE-OHS), David Lange (Princeton University, CMS), Diego Perini (CERN, EN-MME), Marco Van Leeuwen (NIKHEF, ALICE), Tim Smith (IT-CDA) and Maarten Wilbers (DG-LS).
Others are called in for specific aspects according to need.